Sunday, August 3, 2008

Random ramblinga

Over the last day or so I had many ideas to put in my blog, so here I sit and I have no idea where those ideas went...anyone seen them?

Yesterday while at work my hubby took the boys to his parents house where his brother, sis-in-law and nephews were there so the kids played and played hard he said. I got home from work at about 5:30 an my youngest 1 1/2 was napping. Hubby said he went doen about 3:00-3:15. Guess what time he woke up? Give up? Ok I tell ya, he woke up at 7:30 THIS AM. Poor baby must have been tired. Everyone gives me crap about my kids naps. This is why he needs a nap darn it. Now today he will eat ALL DAY and he may not nap when he normally does. I am the mom darn it and I am the one who has to deal with it and try to reschedule him when he misses his naps not all you guys running your mouths UGH!

Our weather is about to get really warm starting tomorrow. Highs of 97, but heat index of over 100 and very humid. BLAH.

Hoping to take some pics this weekend I have been slacking in the WORST way. Doesn't help that my camera broke and I am using my old tempermental one.

1 comment:

Tena said...

not going to give you a hard time on sleep schedule, but I will say I am ubber jealous of your baby sleeping through the night!!!