Friday, August 22, 2008

Pet peeves

First todo list for the day, I did it all excpet..haircuts. I had coupons at home for $4.99 and I left them at home and I was not going to spend $10.99 on haircuts when I could spend $4.99. peeves....WHY DO PEOPLE HAVE CHILDREN IF THEY ARE NOT GOING TO PAY ATTENTION TO THEM. Did you ALL get that. (Deep Breath) If you have decided to have children please pay attention to them. If you have children part of you job as a parent is to TEACH THEM MANNERS AND HOW TO ACT PROPERLY IN RESTAURANTS. Ok first off, I had an issue today and I will get to that in just moment. First I think I need a disclaimer....I am not a person that thinks if a child is in a restaurant they should sit with their hands folded in theor laps and speak only in an insdie voice and not spill and stuff. Lord help me if I did because then my own children would never get to go anywhere. Kids are kids and normally I could care less, i sypathize with the parents and 8 out of 10 times, by own kids are there too.

On to my incident. Today my mom, me, and the boys went to Red Robin and there was a large group of people, 10 maybe, there and the mom had 3 kids, I would day 3,4,and an infant. Something along those ages, for sure no older than 4 and the 3 yr old may have been 2...anyway. She was gabbing away paying not 1 bit of attention to her kids. I know Red Robin is a family place but come on it is not Chuck E Cheese. These kids were beyond inappropriate. Climning on tables and chairs, taking the menu thinks off of other tables and playing with them, making mess all over the place. I mean seriously they should have been asked to leave. In the meantime I am telling my 3 yr old how he is not allowed to get off his chair and walk around and look who is standing at our table but the 3 yr old hellion from 2 tables down with her damn balloon in my 1 yr old face, bopping him in the face with it. Step off little girl. So she leaves, que screaming from 1 yr old..thank you very much. 20 min later all of a sudden from nowhere she decides to punt the menu thing from the table smacking my 5 yr old in the face. He was fine of course, totally thrown off by the cardboard splap upside his head as he goes to take a bit of his corndog. The mom did come over to apologize for it and said she was not paying attention. Then she walked back to her table and jumped right back into her conversation.

1 comment:

LdybugSammi said...

you're better than me, I would've made a huge scene!

ps, I tagged you on my blog