Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I new my last post was a bit ago, but I did not realize it was THAT long ago... Time flies when you are having fun, or just really busy. I am sitting here laughing at my middle child who decide he wanted to pick out his pajamas after his bath tonight. He came out with 2 shirts and no pants. So he decided since he had 2 shirts he might as well where both. He did go get pants, but they are my younger sons and because as he says, "these pants are totally awesome" so he is wearing those too, even though he has on 2 Thomas the Tank engine shirts and fire engine pants that are a size too small. Child you are cute, but in that outfit no one would believe it.

This is also my same child who last week got his eye lid stuck in a nerf gun. No don't re-read that sentence you read it right the 1st time. OY! Only he would do such a thing.