Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Word filled Wed

Since it has been a week since my last entry I have lots to say. Hopefully my brain will work enough for me to get it all out. I will soon find out if I can even have 2 complete thought.

I am off work today and Igave 3 tired little boys and 1 very tired, trying to keep my patience mommy. We meant my husband out for lunch today and now I have seriously 30 loads of laundry to do. I have been slacking in the laundry department. I wanna a laundry to fairy to come and wash, dry, fold, and put away all my clothes..or I will even accept winning the lotto and just buying all new clothes and donating my old ones! I think I like my second option better.

My oldest starts kindergarten on the 26th. :( My baby is officially starting school. It will really be good for my middle one I think. Those boys NEED to have time away from each other.

Just a few minutes ago my oldest son was missing. He was in bathroom and I never saw him come out so I went to check and nope not there, not in my room watching a movie, and I know he did not walk past me to go into the family room. I finally found in his room in his bed. Aww poor baby was tired he put himself down for a nap. hmm I looked again and he was totally covered in his blanket face and all, that was a little weird so I pulled back the covers and he looks at me and tells me he is tired and wants to nap. Ok, I tell him, but lets take the covers off your head, your sweating under there. He freaks "no, no, I am fine." ok I think he is hiding something he should not have under his bed. So I asked him what he was hiding, nothing he says, let me go back to bed. So I pulled the covers to expose what he was hiding....Let me tell you, he was hiding something alright, and I sure did expose it. I was NOT expecting THAT...have all you incredibly smart people out there figured what my child was doing, with no clothes on yet. I know it is normal, but I was totally thrown off by it and there my baby sat trying to cover his junk. I just asked him to please put his underwear back on and that he can go back to taking his nap and walked out. Did I handle this right?? This I am sure is the 1st of many times I will have to faced with this, but OY! I was in such denial that it was going to happen.

Anyone watch Big Brother 10! If you do, do I even need to say more than I LOVE IT!
Who do you think is going to be voted off? I found this awesome website and it is by someone who subscribes to the live feed and they report back to you what is happening in the house. It is almost more addicting than watching the show itself.

Ok I will end this post for now...there is plenty more, but I have to give my tired brain a rest.

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