Thursday, July 31, 2008


I had no idea that it had been a week since I last put an entry in. There is a reason for this. I have become a DVR junkie. I mean it is pretty bad. I used to so rarely watch tv and now I think I watch it non-stop once the kids are done, so there went my internet time. Other than that nothing exciting in my life at the moment. Living day to day and getting ready to register my oldest for kindergaten. I have such mixed emotions on it. I am out of books and I think I need to send my hubby on a run for me to the library. What I want yet I am not sure. Going to look around a bit and see what I find. Check this out ladies and gents I am a GENIUS!!
blog readability test

Movie Reviews

Thursday, July 24, 2008


Do your kids memorize commercials as much as mine do? Sometimes I have no idea why they are saying or doing and then I find out it is from some commercial they have seen. Well yesterday my mom was babysitting for me and after work I went to mom's for dinner..gotta love moms!! My husband was there as well as my sister and her boyfriend. My middle son was drinking a juice box and I hear mom yell him "What are you doing! You can not do that!" Turns out he was drinking a juice box and he decided to blow into the straw blowing up the juice box and then was stomping on it spraying juice all over. My mom asked how did he learn that trick. My sister's boyfriend tells us that in the commercial the boy does that and when he stomps on the juice box the juice sprays and the boy blows up too. I hate commericals and now I know why on the occasion they get juice boxes at home my floor is all sticky..grrr. Anyone know who's juice box commercial that is? I think I am going to write to them thanking them for the wonderful commercial they have and then send them an invoice for the cleaning I have had to do because of it.

On a side note...any of you out there readers? I love reading and I finished last week an awesome book. A very quick read...The last Lecture by: Jeff Zaslow.
Here is a link to the book. A great must read. There also is a video of the last lecture on line as well. It is long but is worth every minute of it.

The boys, my mom, and I are off to the pool in a bit..I am off today..Woo Hoo

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Tiring Tuesday

Today is one of my days off this week...YAY...Love my days off with the boys. This mamma needs her coffee in the morning. I really do not sleep too much. I have a problem going to sleep most nights..hence my coffee and diet coke needs. This morning was no exception to most.

After I get my youngest babe from bed at a 6:30 this morning...doesn't he know I would love him even more if he slept to 8...I stumble to make me some good 'ol coffee. I am anticipating my 1st cup I can almost taste it, check my emails while it is brewing, hmmm...I smell no coffee, oh well I think, respond to a few emails...thinking coffee has to be done now YAY! Practically sprint to the kitchen to find that I have a pot of water, I never put in the darn coffee. I should have seen it as a sign and just went back to bed..hey I can dream can't I. Since than it has been a tiring day.

We are getting cable installed today..long story but we have had no TV for 3 weeks and I actually like having no TV, but I am excited to get TV back and this time since we are going with a different provider we are getting DVR. I have about 6 loads of laundry to put away and some floors to vacuum and sweep. My youngest is napping and the 2 older ones for the first time today are not fighting so I better get moving on my stuff. I know you all are jealous, but don't be a hater you all can come on over and give me hand :)

Monday, July 21, 2008

Giving it a try

Welcome to my new experiment, my blog. My good friend Tena g started a blog a few months back and I enjoy reading it. Through her blog I have started to read other blogs and really enjoy reading them, so I thought what the heck I will try it. I am not so compter saavy, so just registering and getting to this point has taken me way longer than I thought it would. I enjoy sharing my stories and reading others and since my 3 very dull young men, 5, 3, and 1 (yeah right DULL is not even in their vocabulary) give me so much to tell I thought this would be a good place to start.