Sunday, January 25, 2009


Tena nominated me for mimi from Crazy Book Slut.
The book that’s been on your shelves the longest:
My book shelf is this is kind of hard. Not including my yearbooks I would have to say: Constant Craving Amazon says it was released in 2007 but my copy says 1999 so it musthave been re released. Don't look at me like that we all have cravings ;)
The one book I will keep forever is my answer to the next questionA book that reminds you of something specific in your life (a person, a place, a time, etc.): Honestly, I am not super attached to any of my books. The only one would be the book my husband made me for Mother's Day. It is technically a book, just not one you can buy in a store and one that I will never part with.
A book you acquired in some interesting way (gift, serendipity in a used bookstore, prize, etc.):
A girl I worked with lent me Martha Stewart Weddings when I was planning my wedding and then she got fired so I was never able to give it back to her.
A book that’s been with you to the most places: ABC board book
The most recent addition to your shelves: Cross Country by: James Patterson
A bonus book that you want to talk about but doesn’t fit into the other questions:
I don't have a specific book, but most of the books you will find on my shelf are murder mystery types of books. I have almost all of James Patterson and Patricia Cornwell books on my shelf.
Once again I am not going to tag anyone on this Happy Reading and comment and I will tag you!

I have been taged

So sorry!! I was tagged not once but twice and I just have not been able to acknowledge them. Tena over Punk Monkey's gave me this one. Here are the rules:
Honorees are to list 10 honest things about themselves - and make it interesting, even if we have to dig deep! Second, we are to pass the award on to 7 bloggers we feel embody the spirit of the Honest Scrap. 10 Honest Things About Me:

1. I love to read.
2. Anytime is a good time to get together with my girls for food and drinks!
3. I cry at almost anything, especially when I am mad.
4. I really hate winter, and would move someone warmer if if Ididn't love my family so much.
5. I hate making breakfast for the kids in the morning. I don't eat breakfast so no one should.
6. I have to wear shoes all the time.
7. I can not hold a grudge even when I want to.
8. I am addicted to Diet Coke
9. I am a shopaholic
10. I have a hard time saying no to to people. I will do things I really can't do at the time just because someone asked me to.

No comes the hardest part I have to tag 7 people. This part I may have to come back to. Since I am still a newbie on the blog world I do not have 7 people to tag yet :(
If you are out there and reading this leave me a comment and then tag you are it!!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Thurday's goals

1. Ask for help so I can put my book challenges on here that I am doing, but I can't quite get the links to work.

2. I was tagged twice...WOOT! I have to acknowledge and respond.

3. I will get all bedding washed and put away or back on the beds.

4. I will get my living room cleaned and organized.

5. I will be showered, hair, and makeup done when my husband comes home.

Sorry number 5, not happening, I may get the shower in but that will be it.

I am scared to look

My oldest child came up to me to ask if he could something nice for me. HA like you have to ask! Of course you can! He said he would ask dad to help, um daddy's at work I reminded him. Ok he says I'll do it by myself..insert first eyebrow raise and cringe. OK I squeak out.

A while later..(about 2 minutes) he comes back pouting that he can't do it alone he needs help and he needs red paper, scissors, glue, and decorations he wants to make a valentine for me. Oh what a sweetie. So I help him cut paper in the shape of a heart and sent him on his way. A awhile later...(about 2 minutes) my middle child decided to join in the art work...insert second eyebrow raise and cringe. Last I heard from the other room they found some feathers, pink cotton balls, and the crayola box exploded all over....insert 3rd eyebrow raise and cringe.

OY! I am afraid to look. Do I tell them if they really wanted to do something nice for me they could pick up the mess, or no fighting for 1 hour, or they all could take a nap at the same time today and I will be really nice back and I will lie down with them at the same time? Na aah I can;t wait to my Valentine's that they worked so hard on, I will smile as I pick the mess and know that it was made out of love, but if I find glue on my carpeting...well that may be a whole different story.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Hey mom....

When kids start their sentences this way you have no idea what is coming. It could be a question, something they need me to do for them, they want to show me something, they spilled, the hurt their brother. The possibilities are endless. Last week my middle son who 3 says.
Hey mom I have a tail!
Oh you do! ( I am thinking he pretending to be some animal)
Yep! My tail is in between my junk...wanna see.
Nope that is alright I think I will pass.

Thanks dear for teaching him the many names of his body parts.

Not around much

The older man in the middle is my grandpa and my children's old papa. He was born in 1919, was a devoted husband for 54 years before he was widowed, a loving dad, brother, granpa, and great grandpa. He was a decorated war hero, and when I say decorated I mean decorated. He was loving, compassionte, and ruled with an iron fist. He lived through the depression, slavery, equal rights, and he lived to see a black man become president. Not too many people can say they have seen such change in their life. He was a special person in my life. My children loved him. I loved him. God loved him too and called him home Thursday morning. The 15th. The same day my baby turned 2.

You will never been forgetten, selfishly missed but never forgotten. I know right now he is tending to the roses. He always told me that my grandma would come to him in dreams and tell him how beautiful the gardens in Heaven are. She told him that he was in charge of the roses but they had not bloomed yet and when they did he will be called home. His roses have bloomed, they have to be the most beautiful and colorful roses I have ever seen because he would never accept anything less.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Here they are:

Book Challeneged reviewed

I have decided that to join a few book challenges. I am really excited to do them and I love to read so why not right. I thought about starting another blog devoted to my love of reading but I think I would be tackling too much. So I am just going to post about them on this blog instead. I am going to read more into the challenges I want to do 1st and see if it says anything in there about having to have a separate blog for this though. I would hate to not follow the rules.

Today is my day off work WOOHOO. The boys love when I am home and I love it too!
I am off to do my dishes and get a head start on my dinner for tonight. I will be back later to post what challenges I have decided to join and do all that linky stuff that I am really bad at and takes me hours to figure out. I may be asking for some help LOL ;)

Monday, January 5, 2009


That is me. I can not of anything to until tomorrow. Have a good one.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy Belated Birthday!

My oldest son turned 6 years old yesterday. He was so excited about his birthday . He even thanked me! Haha. He came into this world at 5:42 PM 14 days early,after I was on bed rest for 15 days. He came after an induction that lasted 20 hours and ended up with an emergency C-section because his rate was dropping and not recovering fast enough. After he was born he spent 2 1/2 days in the NICU for a small hole in heart, that did repair on its own, and breathing issues. I will never forget the joy, love and the tears when I finally got to hold my baby boy with out wires all over and knowing that he was going to be fine. I also will never forget the fear that overcame me in that same moment. He was all mine and now my job was beginning.

The funny thing is 6 years later and those feelings still haven't left. I can still hold him on my lap and I am filled with joy and love. I have lost count over how many times I have shed tears and as he becomes older my fear gets worse. The world is a scary place sometimes.

Happy Birthday Buddy. Mommy and Daddy will always love you. We are so blessed to have you in our lives. We are very proud of the little boy you are and honored to call you or son. Your sense of humor, sensitivity, and caring nature are just a few of the wonderful qualities that you possess.

Friday, January 2, 2009

6 years ago today

6 years ago I got a call from my OB that my bed rest was ended, that in 2 hours I was to go for a non-stress test and then go straight to the hospital after. They were going to induce me, they were not 100% happy with my last non-stress test and thought that it was time to get baby out.

So this time 6 years ago I was FREAKING out. My husband was at work and in a meeting, my mom was out shopping with my 83 year old grandpa and I could get a hold of no one. My mom was going to drive to my appointment, due to the bed rest they also said I could not drive, but I wanted her to know that she better clear her calendar for the day because there was no way she was just to drop me off at the hospital to have a baby by myself. I mean you all that have kids know how it works. When you go to the hospital to have a baby it happens right away! I mean I was thinking since I was being induced it would happen in a matter of hours and I would be alone and my hubby would miss out 1st child being baby's birthday is not even today! He was born 5:42 PM 1/3/ be continued :)

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Thursday 13

This my first attempt at a Thursday 13.

13 things I want to do in 2009. These are not resolutions, but things I want to do.

1. Read more books. I am thinking about doing a 2009 book challenge. I will decide by the end of the week.
2. Keep up with this blog. How am I doing so far ;)
3. Become a little more organized. Just a little bit. This is so needed but hard for me.
4. I want to find more time to work out. Once again not an easy task. Between working in the home and out of the home, doing laundry, and making time for hubby, there is a small sliver of time.
5. Make more time for hubby. If I told you the last time we went out together you would be shocked. Actually I could not even tell because I do not even remember. The boys are getting a bit older and I am more comfortable with leaving them for a bit.
6. I want to start date days with the boys. Either hubby and or I take one of them out so they have time alone with just mom and doing what they want.
7. Upload my pictures more often and share. I have a an awesome group of girls online that I share pics with but I want to do it more often. I have not yet decided what I want to share online.
8. Relax...Take life as it comes and don't sweat the small stuff. I normally am pretty good at this but there is always room for improvement.
9. Pre-plan my meals.
10. Smile and laugh a lot. I already do this too but I still want to do this in '09
11. Make sure my children know and feel loved. They already do I know that but I want them to always make sure they know they are loved beyond belief.
12. NO BABIES. 2009 is not they year I want to get pregnant. I have babies born in 2003,2005, you see a pattern here? If I can make it through the next few months than this will be an easy feat.
13. Give back. I have no plans for this and I need to think about it yet. We as a family are going to give back. I have no expectations as to the magnitude we will do this but no matter how small or big we will give back to someone or to an organization. We all need to do our part no matter how small or big.

This list was not as easy as I thought it would be to come up with. Overall I am happy with it and glad I was able to write it out so I can make sure I am living up to my list.