Friday, August 29, 2008

Some updating

My oldest started kindergarten on Tues. :(
Mommy has such mixed emotions, I love that he is school but hate that he is getting older. Since he has gone to school he all of a sudden does not need to me do some things for him that I have always done. Like take him to shcool. He can just walk there by himself. Umm no. It is a 1.2 mile walk and he is 5 so mommy is still going to take you to school dude. Since I insisit on taking him to school than I park far away so he can walk. WHAT! I thought I had to maybe 3-4 grade before it would not be cool for you ultra hip mom to drop/pickup you from school in her crumb filled, napkin strewn kick ass mini-van. I guess times have changed. Well this momma is still dropping him off and picking him up in front of the school and I get out and wait with him and I still ask for a hug and kiss good-bye.

This my oldest and my middle babies on the first day of school.


I posted an entry from when I was tagged and it is not here hmmm.
I wonder what I did because I am sure it was me that did it! Ok I will have to try and find it, if not I will just redo it. :)

Monday, August 25, 2008

Tag Your IT

ok I'm it I was tagged by 2 great people and I promise I will get it all in order when my hubby gets home and post about...see ya soon.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Pet peeves

First todo list for the day, I did it all excpet..haircuts. I had coupons at home for $4.99 and I left them at home and I was not going to spend $10.99 on haircuts when I could spend $4.99. peeves....WHY DO PEOPLE HAVE CHILDREN IF THEY ARE NOT GOING TO PAY ATTENTION TO THEM. Did you ALL get that. (Deep Breath) If you have decided to have children please pay attention to them. If you have children part of you job as a parent is to TEACH THEM MANNERS AND HOW TO ACT PROPERLY IN RESTAURANTS. Ok first off, I had an issue today and I will get to that in just moment. First I think I need a disclaimer....I am not a person that thinks if a child is in a restaurant they should sit with their hands folded in theor laps and speak only in an insdie voice and not spill and stuff. Lord help me if I did because then my own children would never get to go anywhere. Kids are kids and normally I could care less, i sypathize with the parents and 8 out of 10 times, by own kids are there too.

On to my incident. Today my mom, me, and the boys went to Red Robin and there was a large group of people, 10 maybe, there and the mom had 3 kids, I would day 3,4,and an infant. Something along those ages, for sure no older than 4 and the 3 yr old may have been 2...anyway. She was gabbing away paying not 1 bit of attention to her kids. I know Red Robin is a family place but come on it is not Chuck E Cheese. These kids were beyond inappropriate. Climning on tables and chairs, taking the menu thinks off of other tables and playing with them, making mess all over the place. I mean seriously they should have been asked to leave. In the meantime I am telling my 3 yr old how he is not allowed to get off his chair and walk around and look who is standing at our table but the 3 yr old hellion from 2 tables down with her damn balloon in my 1 yr old face, bopping him in the face with it. Step off little girl. So she leaves, que screaming from 1 yr old..thank you very much. 20 min later all of a sudden from nowhere she decides to punt the menu thing from the table smacking my 5 yr old in the face. He was fine of course, totally thrown off by the cardboard splap upside his head as he goes to take a bit of his corndog. The mom did come over to apologize for it and said she was not paying attention. Then she walked back to her table and jumped right back into her conversation.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

busy day

Today my mom and I are going out with the boys to go buy Connor a back pack for school, new shoes, going out to lunch, geting hair cuts..I think I may got middle son's hair cut..not sure yet, then Connor has an eye Dr appt at 3:20. We will see how they all hold up. It could be intresting. So far this morning my middle and youngest son have watered down my kitchen with the sink hose. youngest son then proceed to hit me repeadly..don't your mamma boy she doesn't play that game.I am still on my 1st cup of coffee. My youngest has always been so quiet, good, cute, funny, and just a such a good! He is a handful and a 1/2.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Ok, I swear I will catch up both IRL and in the online world. Life is moving at such a rapid pace it seems. I am behind with house work, work work, emails, blogs, blogging, and so many countless other things it is crazy! Well, look out I am soon gonna be caught up. I am off work on Thu, Fri, I work on Sat. and then I am off work again until...SEPT 3 and I am going to love each and every dang minute of it!! So much is going on too.

1. Hubby bought me a new camera! Yay! Thanks babe! My other one got a little damp and it bit the dust so I have a new one. I am still working on figuring some things out. It is pretty good, he picked out all himself and he did not do too bad!

2. My baby starts kinder next Tues the 26th and the 25th is a meet and greet optional day for him! He was assigned afternoon kinder but I asked if there was anyway we could switch. Not only is there a God but today he is working mircales in my direction. The lady from school called me today to tell me that my baby will be int he morning! Yay!

3. my oldest, the one going to kinder informed this weekend about making out!! He will not tell me who taught him that word and the "meaning". I have my ideas and I am not happy about it! Oh by the way Making out is when 2 people are talking to each other. Love it, Go ahead and you all must go and make out today "my child style" w/your husband, wife, girlfriend, boyfriend and then asked they enjoyed it. haha. I did end up explaining in 5 yr old terms, I hope, what making out is.

4. I am uploading some new photos right now and I am excited to share them with all of you.

P.S. I still need to get a backpack for my oldest, I know I waited to last minute but I hope he can find something he likes. He has a backpack in mind, but I do not even think they make it so we will see what he ends up with.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Word filled Wed

Since it has been a week since my last entry I have lots to say. Hopefully my brain will work enough for me to get it all out. I will soon find out if I can even have 2 complete thought.

I am off work today and Igave 3 tired little boys and 1 very tired, trying to keep my patience mommy. We meant my husband out for lunch today and now I have seriously 30 loads of laundry to do. I have been slacking in the laundry department. I wanna a laundry to fairy to come and wash, dry, fold, and put away all my clothes..or I will even accept winning the lotto and just buying all new clothes and donating my old ones! I think I like my second option better.

My oldest starts kindergarten on the 26th. :( My baby is officially starting school. It will really be good for my middle one I think. Those boys NEED to have time away from each other.

Just a few minutes ago my oldest son was missing. He was in bathroom and I never saw him come out so I went to check and nope not there, not in my room watching a movie, and I know he did not walk past me to go into the family room. I finally found in his room in his bed. Aww poor baby was tired he put himself down for a nap. hmm I looked again and he was totally covered in his blanket face and all, that was a little weird so I pulled back the covers and he looks at me and tells me he is tired and wants to nap. Ok, I tell him, but lets take the covers off your head, your sweating under there. He freaks "no, no, I am fine." ok I think he is hiding something he should not have under his bed. So I asked him what he was hiding, nothing he says, let me go back to bed. So I pulled the covers to expose what he was hiding....Let me tell you, he was hiding something alright, and I sure did expose it. I was NOT expecting THAT...have all you incredibly smart people out there figured what my child was doing, with no clothes on yet. I know it is normal, but I was totally thrown off by it and there my baby sat trying to cover his junk. I just asked him to please put his underwear back on and that he can go back to taking his nap and walked out. Did I handle this right?? This I am sure is the 1st of many times I will have to faced with this, but OY! I was in such denial that it was going to happen.

Anyone watch Big Brother 10! If you do, do I even need to say more than I LOVE IT!
Who do you think is going to be voted off? I found this awesome website and it is by someone who subscribes to the live feed and they report back to you what is happening in the house. It is almost more addicting than watching the show itself.

Ok I will end this post for now...there is plenty more, but I have to give my tired brain a rest.

Sunday, August 3, 2008


For some reason I decided to dye my hair. It is BAD. I am like platium blonde. It is not a good look for me I'll tell you that much. It looks so fake it is not even funny. I hate it, my kids tell me I am beautiful. I didn't even pay them to say that. I am not sure if I can dye it over the dye I already have on it so soon. I do not want my hair to fall out..that would be even worse than it is now. No clue what I am going to do.

I did go to the library today. The whole fam went. I LOVE going to the library. I love books, love the quietness, even though it was far from quite with my kids there, love the smell. I would love to own a bookstore.

Y baby has slept almost all day today. He must be in a growth spurt right now. He woke at 7:30, naped from 10-12:15 ( I woke him up), then he went back down at 2:45 and there is no sign he is going to wake anytime soon. It is now his normal bed time so I think he is down for the count. The other 2 are not far behind and I am not far behind them. I am so tired today...hoping I am not going through a growth spurt too.

Random ramblinga

Over the last day or so I had many ideas to put in my blog, so here I sit and I have no idea where those ideas went...anyone seen them?

Yesterday while at work my hubby took the boys to his parents house where his brother, sis-in-law and nephews were there so the kids played and played hard he said. I got home from work at about 5:30 an my youngest 1 1/2 was napping. Hubby said he went doen about 3:00-3:15. Guess what time he woke up? Give up? Ok I tell ya, he woke up at 7:30 THIS AM. Poor baby must have been tired. Everyone gives me crap about my kids naps. This is why he needs a nap darn it. Now today he will eat ALL DAY and he may not nap when he normally does. I am the mom darn it and I am the one who has to deal with it and try to reschedule him when he misses his naps not all you guys running your mouths UGH!

Our weather is about to get really warm starting tomorrow. Highs of 97, but heat index of over 100 and very humid. BLAH.

Hoping to take some pics this weekend I have been slacking in the WORST way. Doesn't help that my camera broke and I am using my old tempermental one.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Full Moon

Someone said that is a new moon tonight. I usually can tell when it is a full or new moon. I work in a dental office and I swear to you all the crazy people call or come in or people get really crappy when it is a full/new moon. I know it sounds weird but it always happens and when we look sure enough it is a new/full moon. I have to work tomorrow and I am dreading it. The day of the new/full moon is bad but the day after is even worse. YUCK. To make it even worse I am actually working for someone.

Hmmmm what is on my DVR from today maybe I should go look hahha.

The boys, well the 2 older ones are watching a bit of a movie. They are watching the yellow submarine. A movie with like 800 Beatle songs in it. Anyone seen it? If you haven't you are very is really bad. They just sing and dance to it.

I am hoping to meet up with a friend in a bit after the kids are in bed so we can crab together over a nice frosty beverage. WooHoo