Sunday, September 13, 2009

sick babies

Is there anything worse than your babies being sick? I think not. My middle one has a fever and he is the most pitiful child when he is sick. His voice gets really hoarse, he whines and cries, and he looks at you with those red rimmed eyes just pleading for you to do something. There is nothing I can do, I can cuddle, soothe, rub backs and hair all day long, but none of that fixes the problem. I slept with him all night because his fever was 103.3 and did I mention yet he is anti-medicine. I tried to put the Motrin in some Gatorade, but will barely drink anything so I really could not get alot in him. He had a very restless sleep and is now dozing in and out on the couch watching Spongebob. I am off to the store to buy more Gatorade and see what else I can get for him that may entice him to drink and eat a little bit.

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