Thursday, January 1, 2009

Thursday 13

This my first attempt at a Thursday 13.

13 things I want to do in 2009. These are not resolutions, but things I want to do.

1. Read more books. I am thinking about doing a 2009 book challenge. I will decide by the end of the week.
2. Keep up with this blog. How am I doing so far ;)
3. Become a little more organized. Just a little bit. This is so needed but hard for me.
4. I want to find more time to work out. Once again not an easy task. Between working in the home and out of the home, doing laundry, and making time for hubby, there is a small sliver of time.
5. Make more time for hubby. If I told you the last time we went out together you would be shocked. Actually I could not even tell because I do not even remember. The boys are getting a bit older and I am more comfortable with leaving them for a bit.
6. I want to start date days with the boys. Either hubby and or I take one of them out so they have time alone with just mom and doing what they want.
7. Upload my pictures more often and share. I have a an awesome group of girls online that I share pics with but I want to do it more often. I have not yet decided what I want to share online.
8. Relax...Take life as it comes and don't sweat the small stuff. I normally am pretty good at this but there is always room for improvement.
9. Pre-plan my meals.
10. Smile and laugh a lot. I already do this too but I still want to do this in '09
11. Make sure my children know and feel loved. They already do I know that but I want them to always make sure they know they are loved beyond belief.
12. NO BABIES. 2009 is not they year I want to get pregnant. I have babies born in 2003,2005, you see a pattern here? If I can make it through the next few months than this will be an easy feat.
13. Give back. I have no plans for this and I need to think about it yet. We as a family are going to give back. I have no expectations as to the magnitude we will do this but no matter how small or big we will give back to someone or to an organization. We all need to do our part no matter how small or big.

This list was not as easy as I thought it would be to come up with. Overall I am happy with it and glad I was able to write it out so I can make sure I am living up to my list.

1 comment:

Tena said...

you are doing awesome on the blog front!! Wit woo! I just finished my first book in 09 ( a book in one day, yay). I am so excited to do these book challenges. I hope you get knocked up next month! HA HA HA! If you want to beat my ass you better get on a plane and come and get me!